
Global Citizen

Global Citizen


AIESEC is the world’s biggest student-run organization aiming to enable youth to develop their leadership potential through its programs. It exist in 127 countries and more than 2400 Universities, counting more than 100.000 active members.


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Objective Action

Youth leadership development through volunteering abroad. Aim of the program is to empower youth to become:

  • Self-aware (knowing their purpose & values in life, strong & weak characteristics, find their passion in life).
  • World Citizens (be able to understand & live with other cultures. Caring and wanting to bring impact to the world).
  • Able to empower others (being able to communicate effectively their ideas, empowering others & engaging everyone towards a common purpose).
  • Solution Driven (focusing on the solution in times of crisis).

Target Audience

Student or recent graduates till 2 years, from 18 to 30 years old.



The program lasts 6 weeks and takes place 3 times per year. In Greece, it was launched in 2010, named as "Explore" in 2013 and became part of the international brand, Global Citizen, in Januray 2015.


The young person works as a volunteer in schools, institutions or NGOs abroad on one of the following issues:

  • Cultural Understanding.
  • Career Development.
  • Social Entrepreneurship.

Depending on the issue of preference, the young person can participate in workshops & seminars on specific issues or work on ensuring growth to an NGO abroad. Returing in Greece, the young person will have gained useful knowledge, experience and skills on the specific issues so as to be able to work further on them back home. AIESEC apart from the accomodation and prepearation based on the chosen issue and customized support throughout the program, impements, also, a LEAD model in order to ensure empeirical learning and develop the leadership skills of the participants.


Impact on Society

807 youth development experiences through Global Citizen since 2010. From 171 participants in summer 2014, 53% said they gained much more self-awareness and 34% keeps volunteering coming back to Greece. Also, it has been noticed that usually the program participants returning feel more self-confident and positive in regard to their future, they embrace more cultural differences, they care more for social issues and take more initiatives both for their future and the society around them.

Initiative Location

AIESEC has physical presence in 9 greek Universities and the students can travel in one of the 128 countries from AIESEC's global network, depending on the available partnerships with Greece in every round of applications.


Working with Organization

Co-operation with the international organization International SOS for the students' special preparation depending on their destination country and insurance services in case of emergency while being abroad.


Workers Participation

The program is organized and managed by volunteers - members of AIESEC.


Benefits for Οrganization

AIESEC vision is Peace and Fulfillment of Humankind's Potential. Thus, the specific action is a way to achieve our purpose.

Connection with Global Goals

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