
Information and awareness actions on the management of municipal waste

Information and awareness actions on the management of municipal waste


The municipality of Drama is a Local Authority (A degree) and belongs to the Perfecture of Eastern Macedonia and Thrace. It’s aims are to administrate local matters of the municipality, promoting social-economic-cultural activities and suppling to citizens support services.

Read more: www.dimos-dramas.gr


Objective Action

The action consisted of individual activities which aimed to raise the awareness of the inhabitants of the area on proper waste management. They organized a large information and awareness plan for institutions and residents, in order to provide specific information and actions relating to the creation of modern concepts and the presentation of practices for the management of municipal solid waste, sustainability, effective management and conservation of natural resources and energy as the main goal.

The importance has clearly shifted towards waste prevention, recycling and the reduction of hazardous waste ingredients through workshops that took place and the distribution of informative material.


Target Audience

The target group of this action was the residents, merchants, students, etc. of the city of Drama.





With the implementation of this action, the target group of the intervention area was informed (residents, merchants, students, etc.) on modern concepts and practices in the field of municipal waste management. The project was implemented according to the following main guidelines:

1. Prevention of waste production - reduction necessity

2. Utilization of rational waste management

3. The role of information – awareness on the success of the program and sustainable development of the area

4. Application of an integrated methodology (practical applications) for updating policies. Indicative actions:

- Action plan compilation for the promotion of recycling

- Production of informative and advertising material

- Advertising campaign

- Information campaign on environmental protection through waste management

- Entries in Mass Media Press Releases

- Workshops

- Participation events and practical applications on primary and secondary education

- Drawing of a special issue and presentation of the results


Impact on Society

  • The environmental awareness was reinforced and a new culture was created on recycling, in over 1.000 school children of the area.
  • 20.000 printed information materials were produced
  • 2.000 residents were updated through the special edition on waste management
  • 9.500 pieces of promotional material were distributed.

Initiative Location

C;ity of Drama.

Working with Organization

The operation was financed by the O.P.Macedonia - Thrace 2007-2013, under the Integrated Urban Intervention plan, in collaboration with DI.A.A.M.A.T. S.A. - WASTE MANAGEMENT DEVELOPMENT COMPANY SA OF EASTERN MACEDONIA - THRACE SA


Workers Participation

Municipal officials from the following departments participated in this action:

  • Planning, Organization and Development
  • Technical Services
  • Waste Management and Recycling


Benefits for Οrganization

The expected benefits for the municipality of Drama were:

  • Waste volume reduction at source
  • Job creation
  • Creation of information multipliers, by raising children awareness and turning them into helpers
  • Ensure viability and attractiveness of the city
  • Sustainable and effective management and conservation of natural resources and energy.

Connection with Global Goals

No Connection with Global Goals found

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