
Environmental Policy of Loulis Mills SA

Environmental Policy of Loulis Mills SA


Loulis Mills is the oldest and leading Greek Flour Milling Company. It is currently managed by the 7th generation of the Loulis family, having an active role, of over two centuries, since 1782 in the Greek economy with continuous social activity.

Read more:  www.loulismills.gr


Objective Action

Within the framework of its activities, Loulis Mills SA cares for the protection of the environment.  It recognizes the need for respect and wants to actively contribute to the protection from activities which it burdens. The emphasis was on how Loulis Mills can achieve zero waste of any kind, to recycle systematically through certified operators and waste management companies, implement deworming grain and flour at controlled atmosphere conditions avoiding the use of chemicals to use the method of thermal eradicating insects in organic mill and carry out continuous monitoring for pesticides or other substances such as cereals and ultimately produced flour. 


Target Audience

Loulis Mills is addressed to local communities where it operates. While aiming to maximize awareness and participation of the human resources in nature issues and in existing environmental values to the benefit of all. The implementation of environmental policy of the company is responsible for the management and requires the cooperation of employees and involvement of partners. 



These actions took place in the period 2013 - 2015.


The management is committed to operating in such a way as to achieve high environmental performance, taking into account the best economical choices, compliance with national and Community environmental legislation and related regulations. Loulis Mills applies an Environmental Management System according to ISO 14001 standard

Sustainable management of raw and other materials and energy as well as systematic recycling of waste are issues of particular importance for the company.

To ensure the steady operation and effectiveness of the Environmental Management System, the company ensures:
a) Continuous updating and training of its personnel, 
b) Systematic reviewing of its operations,  
c) Continuous improvement its environmental performance.

The company intends:

  • In 100% management of solid & liquid waste (paper, packaging materials, metals, etc.) which are produced during operation. Includes all activities of the company (offices, warehouse and production)
  • In reducing greenhouse waste (CO2)
  • In reducing energy consumption per unit of output
  • To reduce water consumption per unit of output
  • In the prevention of marine pollution during the operation of the port
  • To ensure the formation of the flora of the surroundings of the plant within the limit of the installation

Loulis Mills people’s vision is for the company to contribute as much as possible to sustainable development and to establish the company as a pioneer in environmental protection and fully comply with legal requirements.



Impact on Society

A practical proof of the commitment of Loulis Mills to environmental protection is to maintain a certified Environmental Management System according to the requirements of the international standard ISO 14001:2004. 

Faithful to the objective for environmentally friendly operations, every year Loulis Mills takes actions and adopt practices consistent with its environmental commitments.

In 2015 Loulis Mills:

  • Gradual replaced aluminum doors and windows of the mill building with new ones of higher thermal performance (insulation) and triple glass panes to exclude the possibility of fragmentation to the inner pane
  • Adopted new bag dimensions of exact 25 kg and respectively new pallets, which significantly reduce worn bags during transport and pallet loading - unloading
  • Replaced all filter hoses of the dedusting filters at the Sourpi industrial unit with similar ATEX explosion relief filter hoses
  • Implemented emergency, fire protection and industrial pollution drills at the Sourpi unit
  • Completed the installation of LED bulbs
  • Improved palletizing procedure
  • Measured Carbon footprint for ZIN flour
  • Implemented annual measurements of noise and dust from certified company
  • Perform coast-cleaning action in the surroundings of the Sourpi industrial unit at least twice a year and whenever required (eg after heavy rains that result in the transfer of debris) - where collected more than 30tn various materials
  • Cut grass and clean all surfaces at the Sourpi industrial unit as well as the surroundings area
  • Repair and maintain the road leading to the Sourpi industrial plant
  • Continue the recycling activity which has been implemented regarding used paper, metals, lubricants, batteries, light bulbs and plastic.


Initiative Location

Sourpi Magnesia, Keratsini Attica.

Working with Organization

For the design and implementation of environmental management Loulis Mills followed the international standard ISO 14001: 2004 which has been developed by the international ISO organization. The implementation of the system was certified by an external provider TUV AUSTRIA HELLAS. 


Workers Participation

In 2015 there was a series of 15 trainings in total 115 employees with topics relevant to the proper functioning of automated grain analysis equipment and flours safe loading products, protection of health and safety in the use of packaged products, machinery cleaning control vehicles, methods pest control and management of allergens. The successful application of environmental policy requires and needs the cooperation of both management and employees.


Benefits for Οrganization

Constant concern is to fully comply with environmental laws and regulations. On an ongoing basis, competent and specialized executives monitor developments in the legislation and the relevant regulations, while it assesses the compliance with environmental legislation and other valid regulations on an annual basis. Applying the Environmental Management System achieved education, information and awareness of employees on environmental awareness issues, improves the performance of the company in environmental management, and in the area of Health and Safety at work and noise nuisance limitation of its activity in the local community.

In 2015, as a result of the efforts made, no fine or other non-monetary sanction were imposed due to breaches of the environmental legislation and other regulations.

Through this action, Loulis Mills won the award in the category of National Champion for Environmental & Corporate Responsibility, the "European Business Awards 2014-2015" organized by RSM GREECE.


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