We recognize that our business sustainability goes side by side with social growth and prosperity, a principle we have followed throughout the 58 years of our operation in Greece. Thus, one of our key objectives is to build and maintain community trust and support, since the contribution to their sustainable development is also an investment in our own future. 


All OPAP Group employees.  

The application of OPAP strategy on environmental protection is ongoing.

Although OPAP is a labor-intensive services company without being involved in manufacturing activities, it has developed a certified Environmental Management System according to ISO14001:2004, for both OPAP S.A. and OPAP Services S.A., in order to ensure that potential impacts on the environment due to its operations are addressed and reduced in a systematic way. The scope of the system includes all activities: design, development, administration, operation and management of gaming products and services.

As part of this system, OPAP identifies and evaluates the environmental impact of its activities, structured around 5 steps:
1. Identify environmental aspects
2. Determine environmental impacts
3. Evaluate environmental impacts
4. Issue and review environmental aspects evaluation
5. Define measures and monitor actions and performance

In order to identify the sources from which we can reduce our environmental footprint, we quantify direct and indirect greenhouse gas emissions sources from our operations, which primarily results from electricity consumption in our buildings and secondarily from fuel consumption. More specifically, in 2015 through a series of quantitative reports of our environmental impact, we proceeded to a series of practices that resulted to decrease of the average electricity consumption per employee to 6,295 KWh, compared to 9,822 KWh in 2014.

Our specific actions that we applied were the following: 

  • We moved out from our building in Kifissia
  • We relocated our offices in Thessaloniki to a site where no heating diesel or natural gas consumption is required, while its electricity consumption was 87% lower compared to 2014.
  • We assigned distribution of payslips to external partners, thus reducing the scheduled routes of corporate vehicles

The aforementioned practices led to a 21% decrease of the total CO2 (tn) emissions and a 22% decrease of the total electric energy consumption ενέργειας (MWh).

Not applicable.

It affects all our employees.

National OPAP activity.

We aim to comply and surpass the current environmental legislation and its relevant provisions and thus we invest in minimizing our environment impact. We continuously redefine our business strategy in a responsible and sustainable way and in this framework we conduct all necessary environmental impact assessments, recognizing that natural resources are not inexhaustible and our key priority is to use them in the most efficient way, in the framework of our operation.

In this framework we implement the following initiatives:

  • All new employees are trained on environmental and health and safety issues. 
  • E-learning courses on Health and Safety and Environmental issues for all employees
  • Application of an integrated energy management system as well as installation of energy meters for the observation of energy consumption
  • Installatiom of movement detectors in kitchens and conference rooms for the decrease of energy consumption and the mitigation of maintenance costs
  • Installation of LED units in staircases and areas where illumination is constant in order to minimize energy consumption and respective expences
  • Installation of solar collectors for the production of hot water and the minimization of energy consumptio and the decrease of environmental footprint. 
  • Substitute our vehicle fleet with eco-friendly cars. For 2023, our ojective is the majority of the new car orders to be for electric, hybrid or plug in hybrid cars. For 2024, our objective is to have 80% of our fleet comprising of electric, hybrid or plug in hybrid cars.

OPAP Group direct (scope 1) and indirect (scope 2) CO2 emissions from energy consumption in 2022 are 15.258 t CO2 eq, decreased by 16% versus 2021.

The total emissions from energy consumption (location-based approach for scope 2) are 2.362,8 t CO2 eq for 2022, which are decreased by 27% vesrus 2021 (3.215 t CO2 eq).

Our continuous environmental impact study and our objective to undertake inatiatives that improve the efficiency of our operations and protect the environment, ensures that we remain a trusted organization in Greece and creates added value for all of our stakeholders, while reinforces the reputation of our company as a responsible corporate citizen.