Democracy through the artistic intervention of youth

Municipality of Petroupolis programme was aiming at creating the appropriate European policies through institutions, projects and educational arrangements for the youth concerning the subjects and issues of our time. Municipality of Petroupolis proposal introduces innovation and initiative in order to contribute to the delivery of the structured dialogue through an artistic intervention of the youth and more specifically through painting, so that the communication code among the young and the politicians can get enriched by the aesthetic means of expression used in painting. In this way the structured dialogue constitutes a very productive and creative dialogue and the result of a democratic cooperation.

In the first stage, the young participants’ skills in plastic arts were developed with the help of the teachers of painting, sculpture and ceramics who did their best to improve the young participants’ visual means of expression. In addition, the young participants gained knowledge related to the History of Art, the techniques and styles, the material etc, in the form of Art lessons at the Contemporary Art department of Municipality of Petroupolis, in the form of seminars, meetings and other educational presentations which took place at the Cultural Centres of Petroupolis, the National School of Fine Arts and the Attica Region. At the second level, the programme promoted the active civic participation of the youth as well as their participation in the European policymaking concerning their issues and the enhancement of their interest in politics, since they were given an opportunity to talk about the issues which preoccupy them and to suggest solutions.

The young, High School students, College students, University students, vulnerable social groups, and people with disabilities. Ages 13-23 and 24-30

4 months

Through Erasmus+ program, Municipality of Petroupolis implemented a programme through its activities which will lay foundations for the practice of the structured dialogue among the young and the political representatives, according to the democratic principles and values. More specifically, this proposal introduces innovation and initiative in order to contribute to the promotion of the artistic expression of the young through  political intervention so that the young become capable to articulate political speech through artistic activities, thus contributing to the active civic participation in Europe. The expression of the young through painting, sculpture and ceramics (both at the national and the international level) was a springboard for the organization of the debates, meetings and sessions whose theme concerned the policymaking for the support of the youth.                                

Moreover, this programme was aiming at the support of the vulnerable social groups (the poor and the needy, people with disabilities, the unemployed etc) and their active participation in the programme and its activities.

The Arts as an expressive and creative approach help the development of the activities having the horizontal character, providing the supportive services meant to boost the spirit and give new life to the vulnerable social groups and their interconnection with the active citizenship. At the same time, the Art is a fantastic alternative form of expression, which can be used as psychotherapy. The improvement of the social inclusion of the people in need and the enhancement of their employability helps them become active citizens and do not become marginalized. In order to create an EU based on active citizenship and to enhance democracy, to give a stimulus to the young , providing them with the means to express their  innovative and inventive proposals, feeling the pulse of modern times and display the issues which characterize this period and preoccupy them. Finally, we brought the young people in touch with the decision makers.

National School of Fine Arts, Attica Region, The Hellenic Parliament


Municipality of Petroupolis, a visit to the Hellenic Parliament, a visit to the office of the Regional Governor, Rena Dourou, a visit to the National School of Fine Arts.

•             250 young people participated in the programme; 9 High schools from the Municipality of Petroupolis and the neighbouring Municipalities.

•             22 paintings were created, dedicated to Democracy as viewed by the eyes of the young. One of the paintings was given to the Regional Governor, Rena Dourou, and one painting hangs on a wall of the Hellenic Parliament.

•             The joint ceramic artwork “The Tree of Democracy” in which all the young people participated has been placed at the entrance of the Petroupolis City Hall.

•             A resolution was passed at the simulated City Council meeting, in which the young decided on their future and their decisions were conveyed to the City Council, Attica Region and the Ministry of Interior.

•             A video  was created

With the help of this programme we managed to bring into action the youth groups who participate in cultural activities of the Municipality of Petroupolis, the students, and through these activities they became more active citizens in their local communities, their country and the EU. The issues which condition democracy and the Art, the EU and their relation to the Youth were highlighted. Through these activities they young participants could recognize the examples of artwork and their contribution to the democratic life. At the same time the events we organized helped the young to take responsibilities and roles in the dissemination of the outcomes of the programme to their peers, as well as their networking at the national and the European level. On the other hand, we managed to make the young people aware of the common problems which they face, regarding their participation or the lack of participation in the democratic life and the EU policies. Furthermore, we helped the young people understand the role they and their art can play in the criticism, the dissemination and the impact of the democratic ideal in the broader society of their country and the EU.

At the same time, the Municipality gained experience and the know-how of the first European programme of which we were coordinators.