Online consultation platform operation

The goal is for the electronic consultation platform to be an Integrated Mechanism for Multilevel Consultation and a modern way of communication of the Municipality of AAK, both in the internal environment of the Municipality (board members, employees) and in the external environment (residents, involved agencies/companies, OTAs).

Depending on the subject of the Consultation: Members of the Administration, employees of the Municipality, residents, involved bodies/companies, OTAs.

The two pilot consultations lasted 5 days each

The Municipality of Agios Anargyron-Kamaterou, strategically, places special emphasis on issues of innovation and technology by implementing a series of modern and pioneering projects that aim to promote transparency, justice, participation and the involvement of citizens.

In this context, the Municipality, participating in the Integrated Mechanism for Multilevel Consultation (IMCD),, which belongs to the Economic and Social Committee of Greece (OKE), launched the electronic consultation platform to which they will be invited , depending on the thematic object, the members of the Administration, the employees of the organization, the citizens and the involved organizations to submit their opinions on the projects and actions proposed by the Municipality or to propose their own ideas and actions for projects to be implemented .

In addition to suggestions, users of the platform have the possibility to comment on posted texts with the aim of developing a dialogue on the topics concerning the Municipality and the services provided to the citizens.

Through the Consultation platform, the Municipality facilitates, promotes and strengthens the possibility of participation of the citizens and the involved bodies, promotes the logic of jointly shaping the goals that make up its strategy, while at the same time, the processes of collective decisions are accelerated.

The first two "pilot" consultations were held between the members of the Administration and were about changing the logo of the AAK Municipality and changing the name of the Municipality's website. In the near future, many issues are planned to be put up for electronic consultation.

The aim of the consultation platform is to comprehensively inform citizens about key issues that concern the local community as well as about decisions that the administration is asked to take, encouraging them to "examine" carefully, "request", "evaluate" alternative policies , to "propose" suitable solutions and "confront" with substantiated arguments during the decision-making process in the planning and implementation of projects and policies.

In this way, the Municipality plans the expansion of the democratic structure with a co-decision function together with the citizens for the future of the city, creating active citizens, constantly creatively developing the dialogue and defining actions within the participatory processes.

The creation of the platform has been prepared in collaboration with O.K.E. The future possibility for stakeholders and/or other OTAs to participate in the consultations is an opportunity to expand multi-participation.

Employees of the Office of the Municipal Council and Municipal Committees.

AAK Municipality (on line)

- Reducing the distance between the Municipality and Civil Society

- Strengthening the interdepartmental participation of the Municipality's employees

- Strengthening the role of citizens

- Equal treatment of citizens

- Saving financial resources

- Save time

- Transparency

- Organized gathering of ideas, opinions, requests, proposals

- Transformation of the internal operation to be more open and transparent to all

- Development of a new administrative mechanism for information management

-Health insurance