Program Agreement between the Municipality of Heraklion and the University of Crete for the Integration of the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals and their connection with Entrepreneurship in the Municipality of Heraklion

The aim of this cooperation is the support from the University of Crete to the Municipality of Heraklion, in the design of initiatives in order to achieve the adaptation and integration of the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG's) at the level of local strategies and policies and their connection with entrepreneurship in the Municipality of Heraklion, through relevant development studies and information and training seminars by the University of Crete.

In particular, the objectives of the cooperation are:

Diagnosis of the potential of the Municipality of Heraklion, for the integration of the 17 SDG's in the network of actions of its development policy
Proposal of actions for the utilization of the 17 SDG's for the benefit of sustainable development in the Municipality of Heraklion
Responsible entrepreneurship training seminars for local small and medium enterprises
Diagnosis of business opportunities in the context of SDG's and their Targets, which will be incorporated by the Municipality of Heraklion
Development of a management guide for responsible entrepreneurship for small and medium enterprises.

The Action is addressed to the Municipality of Heraklion, Crete as a First Degree Local Government Organization. In particular, it is addressed to all the organizational units of the Municipality of Heraklion which are called to integrate the results of the public consultation that will take place, in terms of sustainable development and responsible entrepreneurship, with local entrepreneurs, civil society and educational and research institutions. of the wider area.

Start: 30/12/2020 (date of signing of the Program Agreement between the Municipality of Heraklion and the University of Crete)

Expires: 30/08/2021.

The Program Contract is analyzed in two Axes:

Axis 1: Integration of Sustainable Development Goals in the Municipality of Heraklion

A study of good practices for the integration of the 17 SDG's in Municipalities of the European Union

Diagnosis of the potential of the Municipality of Heraklion for the integration of the 17 UN SDG's

Proposals for actions for the utilization of the 17 SDG's, for the benefit of sustainable development in the Municipality of Heraklion

Axis 2: Linking the Sustainable Development Goals with Entrepreneurship in the Municipality of Heraklion

Responsible entrepreneurship training seminars for local small and medium enterprises

Diagnosis of business opportunities in the context of SDG's and Targets that will be incorporated by the Municipality of Heraklion

Development of a management guide for responsible entrepreneurship for small and medium enterprises.

Collaboration with the University of Crete and the local small and medium enterprises.

The implementation of the Action will be based on the approach of the complete coverage of the needs of the executives of the Region of Crete for the integration and prioritization of the SDG's in the Municipality of Heraklion. As part of the Action, the members of the Working Group of the Program Contract of the University of Crete, specializing in sustainable development, will coordinate the transfer of know-how in matters of integration and prioritization of SBA in the Municipality of Heraklion, as well as the management of responsible entrepreneurship of 17 SDG's for small and medium enterprises.

Administrative boundaries of the Municipality of Heraklion, Crete.

The results of the Program Contract to the citizens of the Municipality of Heraklion are expected to be the following:

Structure of a business responsibility action plan for small and medium enterprises
The steps to develop a business responsibility action plan for small and medium enterprises
Publication of a business responsibility report
Thematic workshops with local entrepreneurs for the diagnosis and utilization of business opportunities in the context of SDG's and Targets that will be incorporated by the Municipality of Heraklion.

The benefits from the implementation of the cooperation are expected to be the following:

Evidence of the development strategy and dynamics of the Municipality of Heraklion in the light of 17 SDG's and 169 Targets
Definition of structures and procedures for the functional integration of SDG's and Targets in the Business Planning of the Municipality of Heraklion
Linking sustainable development with business responsibility
Integration of business responsibility in small and medium enterprises.