Simulation of international and/or European institutions

The goal is to offer additional educational activities to high school and university students (at all levels) on issues related to climate change policies through interactive simulation activities of international and/or European bodies, which are responsible for drawing up these policies.

  • High school students
  • University students (of all levels)

The simulations usually last from 2 to 4 days, besides the preparatory lectures.

The simulation process is a well-established methodology for lifelong learning and further education, intending to familiarize participants with the practical dimension of policy-making and negotiations. In this context, the UNESCO Chair on Climate Diplomacy, for the first time in Greece, organizes simulations of international and/or European institutions with subjects concerning the combating of climate change at various levels and on multiple topics.

More specifically, simulations of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change are organized, which is the international body primarily responsible for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and adapting to climate change. The participants are invited in real-time to negotiate as diplomats the above burning issues of everyday life and international politics, proposing solutions that all participants will accept. Thus they learn the art of negotiation and cooperation. Furthermore, respectively and for the same purposes, simulations of the European Commission, the European Council, the Council of the European Union, and the Council of Europe are organized on issues related to climate change (e.g., the European Green Deal, the protection of cultural heritage from the effects of climate change). It is worth noting that these simulations are international and students from all over the world participate.

These simulations are typical at the university level. However, the UNESCO Chair on Climate Diplomacy, with the aim of transferring knowledge to all levels of the educational process, in recent years has been organizing relevant simulations for high school students, with the participation of schools and students from all over Greece. This shift is an innovative practice that aims to familiarize participants from early on with both the political and diplomatic processes, as well as the difficult decisions that policymakers are called upon to make that will affect everyone's daily lives.

The simulations that have been organized in the last years under the auspices of the UNESCO Chair on Climate Diplomacy, have been conducted in collaboration with the Institute of European Integration and Policy of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens and on an ad hoc basis with the Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy (ELIAMEP) and the Ministry of Education.

The simulations are organized and conducted by the UNESCO Chair on Climate Diplomacy's research team, while internship positions are offered to students who support the whole process. At the same time, volunteer students with various duties participate in the implementation stage.

The simulations are hosted by the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, some took place virtually.

In the last three years, 210 students from over 44 countries and over 90 high school students from all over Greece have participated in the simulations. In addition to the experience gained by the participants in the simulations, the results and reports resulting from the negotiations are also publicly communicated to the competent institutions (e.g., an official announcement of results at the Council of Europe in 2020).