
Allianz Greece supports equal access to distance education.

Allianz Greece supports equal access to distance education.


Our purpose at Allianz - European Reliance is to protect people and businesses from risk. In this way, we contribute to the long-term financial well-being of our customers and the stabilization of local economies. Insurance is one of the key ways we limit the impact of climate risks and compensate for climate-related losses. The higher a country's level of insurance coverage, the more resilient it is to extreme natural events. In addition, after an extreme weather event such as a flood or hurricane, insurance claims are often a quick and reliable solution to enable those affected to recover quickly. In addition to contributing to sustainable economic growth through our business activity, we also focus on overcoming barriers to social inclusion that will lead our society to a better, more productive future. That is why the empowerment of young people and the support of vulnerable social groups are key pillars of Allianz - European Reliance's  Corporate Responsibility program.

Objective Action

Allianz Greece with a firm commitment to the empowerment of young people has as its main goal to contribute to the creation of equal opportunities for all young people, so as for them grow with confidence and to become carriers of a positive social change.

Equal access of all students in the country to the new form of education (digital and distance) that the COVID-19 crisis highlighted as a necessity was considered imperative, as distance education is not a temporary solution, but the new reality that students and teachers are required to integrate into their lives.

For this reason, Allianz chose to strengthen the educational structures of the country by providing tablets during the lockdown through the program "Digital School for All" of the Bodossaki Foundation.


Target Audience

The direct beneficiaries of the activity were 133 high-school students from financially vulnerable families, who belong to school structures in the area of Western Thessaloniki.



December 2020 - February 2021


The coronavirus health crisis has created an opportunity to modernize, digitize and upgrade education, which today is unfortunately largely hampered by the living standards of the Greek students' families. Equal access of all students in the country to the new form of education (digital and distance) that the current health crisis has identified as necessity is imperative as distance education is not a temporary solution, but the new method of education that students and teachers all levels are required to be able to apply at any time. Prerequisite for the participation of students in this process is to own the necessary technological equipment and an internet connection. Students who do not have it are excluded from this new venture, while the need to conduct the distance learning process is part of the new reality. During the pandemic crisis, the Ministry of Education asked the schools administrations of primary and secondary level of education to record the number of their students who do not have such equipment. In order to facilitate the conduct of distance learning and the smooth continuation of education, the Ministry accepted donations of tablet devices which were granted to the structures with the greatest needs.

Allianz with a firm commitment to social contribution responded to this immediate need by choosing to participate in the "Digital School for All" program of the Bodossaki Foundation to maximize the social impact of its action.

The program "Digital School for 'All" contributes to the modernization and upgrading of education in Greece. The first phase of the program included the maximum possible strengthening of the educational structures of the country with tablets compatible with the specifications of the Ministry of Education, available to students from financially vulnerable families, with priority given to secondary school students.

According to the Ministry of Education, the updated immediate recorded needs of school structures included the needs of school structures in the area of ​​Western Thessaloniki. The mapping of the needs of the school structures was carried out by the Ministry of Education.

The selection of students to be supported was made by the administration of each school structure.


Impact on Society

With Allianz's contribution, 133 tablets were distributed to 133 students and covered the needs of 30 secondary schools in the area of Western Thessaloniki.

In a broader scope of action, the results of the action were

  • facilitating the participation of students in distance education
  • improving students' digital skills
  • the provision to students who until now did not have access to technological equipment, of equal development opportunities with the other students

Initiative Location

Western Thessaloniki

Working with Organization

Allianz Hellas collaborated with the Bodossaki Foundation, an organization with a recognized social work that contributes substantially to the relief of Greek society from problems that affect it and need immediate solution, but also to building a sustainable future for its young people.

The Bodosaki Foundation is one of the most important public benefit institutions in the country with a long course of responsibility and multifaceted action. With a deep knowledge of social needs throughout Greece, the Bodossaki Foundation today acts as a catalyst for creating a broader contribution to Greek society, managing the resources of third parties - companies, bearers, international organizations and other large donors - who want to fund significant social programs. impact on critical needs in education, health and environment.


Workers Participation

Allianz Greece's people had the opportunity through a series of internal updates to learn more about the action from the Management of the company, to be informed about the objectives of the program and its positive imprint. Through the social awakening and awareness of its human resources, Allianz also aims at planning voluntary actions of its employees in the near future.


Benefits for Οrganization

Allianz Greece had the joy to provide the necessary supplies to young people and with targeted actions contributes to the creation of equal opportunities for all young people, in order to grow confidently and become carriers of a positive social change. While at the same time it helped to alleviate the financially vulnerable households that in the crisis of the pandemic were not able to meet the technological equipment needs of their younger members.

It therefore implemented an action with a substantial social impact that contributed to the strengthening of its profile as a Responsible Corporate Citizen and increased its contribution to the country, the community in which it operates.

Connection with Global Goals

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