
ETHOS - Caring/Supporting/Realizing: Local Community

ETHOS - Caring/Supporting/Realizing: Local Community


Stay at the luxurious NJV Athens Plaza, conveniently located in the heart of Athens in the historic Syntagma Square, and very close to the world-famous Acropolis. With over 30 years of rich history, the NJV Athens Plaza welcomes guests from across the globe to experience hospitality excellence at its finest.




Objective Action

NJV Athens Plaza is a Greek hotel with a capacity of 180 rooms.

It does not belong to any chain, but operates autonomously, having its own "DNA", which focuses on customer wishes and business ethics.

Since business ethics and social responsibility are identical concepts for us, we make sure that this "conscience" remains a compass and attitude of life so that the vision of a "human" society stays alive.

In the year 2016, we created the Corporate Social Responsibility logo of our Hotel with the term that characterizes us: ETHOS

Because in an ethical workplace,

 we take care of the sustainability of society and the environment (CARING)

 we support the development (SUPPORTING)

 we achieve our goal of sustainable development (REALIZING)

This commitment makes us more responsible for constantly trying to contribute to improving the quality of life of our hotel's stakeholders.

We believe that hospitality is not a viable long term without development and investment in local communities.

The power of the community and the responsible treatment of the environment in which we live have a positive impact on the operation of our hotel.

The local environment is one of our hotel's key partners, since we operate within it.

We respect and embrace our local environment that begins from the Syntagma area and reaches the wider area of Attica with the aim of improving the quality of life, social and cultural sustainability and its development.

Our goal is to contribute to a better quality of life in our local community, as cooperation and support of the local community are the two of our business guidelines.

The action ETHOS-Caring / Supporting / Realizing: Local Community, we participate in daily life, we pay attention to the needs of the most "fragile" parts and we make sure to contribute to local economic development. Through our social and cultural activities, we contribute to the quality of life.



Target Audience


Attica Residents




2016 / 2017


The action concerns the voluntary actions of the Hotel that focus on meeting the needs of the local community in which we operate, on current social issues, but also on our contribution to economic and social development such as education and culture.

In particular, during the period 2016-2017:

• We collected basic necessities for NGOs, the homeless and the elderly.

• We offered weekly scheduled meals: 7500 portions at Athens Institutions.

• We covered the daily food (365/365) of 3 families of 4 people.

• We donated to the NGO "ALL TOGETHER WE CAN".

• At the Christmas party for our children, we hosted the children of SOS Village of Vari.

• We celebrated World Volunteer Day, preparing hamburger with the hotel management team for Children's Institutions, which was proposed by NGO WE CAN.

 • On International Family Day, we offered first-aid items at SOS Children's and Family Children's Support Centers.

• We participated in the action "Social Soup" of the City of Athens for the homeless, as a minimal gesture of humanity and culture, as homeless people face the harsh reality of the street, struggling for survival.

• We collaborated with the International Organization of Doctors of the World and offered school supplies for refugees attending schools in Athens and helped decorate the Christmas tree from pasteurized milk for the homeless.

• In the framework of the race “ALL TOGETHER WE CAN ", we have gathered long-lasting food for people in need.

• At the Christmas celebration with our associates, in the year 2017 we collected 190 wishes and each of them was "transformed" into a Christmas gift for the children of the flood victims of Mantras, Attica. So, Christmas 2017, with a lot of love, we delivered the Christmas gifts of NJV Athens Plaza to the flood victims of the municipality of Mandra in Attica for the children of Mandra, with our warmest wishes for Merry Christmas and a new year full of health, joy, hope.

• We have donated to charitable organizations such as accommodation, meals and events at the hotel.

• We supported young students in the tourism sector by providing free seminars for the hotel industry and tourism ethics.


Impact on Society

• Social value

- Support vulnerable social groups

- Job Opportunities for the target audience


• Cyclical economy (healthy model of sustainable development)

-Support local businesses

- Local market support due to the purchase of products and services by local agencies

For our contribution to the local Community, we have been awarded by the EXCELLENCE IN COMMUNITY SERVICE 2016 and by the EXCELLENCE IN PHILANTHROPY 2016-2017 international awards, among hundreds of hotels members of PREFERRED HOTELS & RESORTS, as well as with Bronze TOURISM AWARD in the field of Local Communities Support.

Initiative Location


Working with Organization

To achieve our goals, we collaborate with local organizations, associations and voluntary organizations covering different roles.

We also work with local suppliers both in sales and markets, encouraging them to present and promote their products and services even on our premises.




Workers Participation

72% of workers contributed either by offering items or by participating in volunteer activities.The engagement of each employee is of an average of 2 days per year.


Benefits for Οrganization


The ETHOS-Caring / Supporting / Realizing: Local Society action, is an added value for our hotel because it has strengthened relations with the local community as well as with local / regional institutions because we work with common goals.

Besides, both our strong values and commitment to the community, improved our reputation, increasing customer loyalty and consequently the hotel capacity.


We are proud to be the first and up to date, unique hotel in Athens that, due to its dedication to strengthening the local community, was certified with the We do local standard.

We do local is a model that proves that a certified business offers a quality product, supports the economy and the people of the local community and works on the basis of sustainability and respect for the environment.


Connection with Global Goals

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The Sustainable Greece Ιnitiative launched by QualityNet Foundation