
Green Mission: Recycle your old car battery at the closest “Green Spot” in your region.

Green Mission: Recycle your old car battery at the closest “Green Spot” in your region.


SUNLIGHT Recycling is the Lead-acid Battery Recycling Branch of SYSTEMS SUNLIGHT S.A., running the most contemporary Lead-acid Battery Recycling Unit in Europe, which constitutes an investment of over €31 million in its first phase. 


Read more:  www.sunlight-recycling.com

Objective Action

The Green Mission initiative by Sunlight Recycling is vigorously advancing in its planning, inaugurating 50 “Green Spots”, used car battery collection points for recycling, in 12 Greek cities.

Companies involved in the automotive industry are taking part in this action.

This action aims to create a culture of recycling and respect for the environment and public health, as lead-based batteries are hazardous waste. It is even more valuable if we consider the implications to the Greek economy from the illegal movement of those batteries.

In Greece, only 50% of used lead-based batteries are collected and recycled, while the corresponding percentage in Europe reaches 95%. It is worth noting that the proper recycling of lead accumulators allows for 95% recovery of the materials, while lead has the property of being indefinitely recyclable without degradations in quality. At the same time, the proper recycling of lead-acid batteries leads to energy conservation of up to 70%, while minimizing hazardous waste by 75%.

The purpose of this action is to improve all factors in accumulator recycling in Greece and to compare them to national and European goals. For the first time in Greece, an opportunity is offered to private individuals to control the way in which they wish to recycle their vehicle’s old batteries. Having access to 50 Green Spots in 12 Greek cities, a private individual can deposit their old batteries and rest assured that they will be recycled in the most environment-friendly way.


Target Audience

Green Mission’s Green Spots are targeted towards private individuals, car owners, as well as small and small to medium-sized companies. 



Green Spots were planned and announced by Green Mission on the 1st of June, 2018. They are an ongoing action with a greater aim of creating deposit points in all Greek cities, continental or island, and informing and sensitising the Greek whole.  


In cooperation with companies involved in the automotive industry, Green Mission created “Green Spots”, old accumulator deposit  points, in order to give private individuals the opportunity to actively participate in proper recycling, contributing to the protection of the environment and public health. Green Mission, in conjunction with innovative recycling technologies adopted by Sunlight Recycling, can guarantee collection, storage and recycling of lead-acid accumulators with zero impact on the environment. Through the contribution of private individuals, we can achieve recycling and re-use of 90% of an accumulator, promoting a cyclical economy and culture.

It depends on the public depositing their used lead-based batteries found in all types of cars to their closest Green Spot in their region.


Impact on Society

Even up to today, Green Mission has succeeded in informing via campaign over 500,000 private individuals and 1,000 companies, medium-sized and large, in regards to the meaning of proper environmental recycling. Green Mission's Green Spots are an ongoing action with a greater aim of creating deposit points in all Greek cities, continental or island, and informing and sensitising the Greek whole. The action is in progress with the goal of expanding.  

Initiative Location

The Green Spots network that Green Mission utilizes with cooperation from IAPONIKI, SFAKIANAKIS, TOYOTA ANGELOS and SUBARU KIFISSOS, as well as selected EKO and BP service stations spans 12 cities: Athens, Thessaloniki, Volos, Patra, Agrinio, Larissa, Kozani, Rhodes, Chania, Corfu, Alexandroupoli, Ioannina, Kalamaria

The deposit points are listed in Green Mission's website:



Working with Organization

The companies IAPONIKI, SFAKIANAKIS, TOYOTA ANGELOS and SUBARU KIFISSOS, as well as selected EKO and BP service stations are collaborating for the creation of a network of 50 Green Spots as part of the Green Mission environmental initiative. The collected accumulators are recycled with SUNLIGHT RECYCLING’s guarantees, which are always based on the protection of the environment and our families.


Workers Participation

Green Mission’s action is an initiative by Sunlight Recycling managers, who under support by Sunlight Recycling and in cooperation with Systems Sunlight and Olympia Group managers, have significantly contributed in the creation and expansion of the notion of proper recycling. All of the managers of the three companies have been informed about the meaning of proper lead-acid accumulator recycling and understand the proper method of recycling.


Benefits for Οrganization

The effect of Green Mission and Green Spots goes hand in hand with the principles of a cyclical economy that the companies Sunlight Recycling and Systems Sunlight implement, closing the circle of recycling and production of accumulators with reduced waste and minimization of pollution. Being in the field of accumulator recycling using cutting-edge technologies, Sunlight recycling wishes to succeed in informing the public about the increase in recycling factors, so that modern technologies and their capabilities are indicated, as well as remedying the field of old, bad practices.

Connection with Global Goals

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