
Innovative system for managing and saving resources during the drilling process for the implementation of a geothermal system.

Innovative system for managing and saving resources during the drilling process for the implementation of a geothermal system.

nikolaos psarras Geothermal Engineering

Objective Action

In the preparation process of a vertical geothermal system large amounts of water required. The
aim of this action is to save natural resources and establish procedures for proper water
management. The development of this wastewater treatment technology concerns the particular
category of geothermal systems requiring numerous holes.

This innovative system we have developed allows us to process waste water during drilling, so as
to achieve water reuse. Minimizing the required amount of water is direct, measurable and
reaches 98%. The aim of the initiative is to encourage the implementation of innovative systems
with tangible results that contribute directly to sustainable development. It is our duty to
operate responsibly towards society and the environment and to invest in innovative solutions.


Target Audience

This wastewater treatment process relates to structures geothermal systems aimed at
infrastructure projects involve vertical geothermal systems. The method fully complies with
international environmental standards Building Sustainability Management (BREΕAΜ, LEED) giving
thus additional value in the way of construction, contributing to sustainable development. This
method has a positive impact on local society that not only burdened by this procedure, but with
proper management and savings improved the quality of life. By adapting worksite standards,
better working and safety conditions are achieved. Finally significant benefits enjoyed by the
owner / user who receives a sustainable building with minimal impact on the local community
and environment.



For the implementation of this technology, nikolaos psarras Geothermal Engineering took 3
months. Being now integrated into the everyday life and perfectly adapted to the working
methods of the time duration will reach 20 years of life.
The implementation of a project has a duration depending on the project specifications.


The company nikolaos psarras | Geothermal Engineering operates purely on design and
construction of geothermal systems since 2001, having completed 18 years of success in space.
Constantly seeks new technologies and methods that contribute both to optimal operation of a
geothermal system and reduce the impact of construction and operation on the environment.
With a view to reducing the need for natural resources and minimize the overall environmental
impact of the company designed in 2016 and applied until today, an innovative method by which
the installation of a geothermal system is achieved with minimal environmental impact.

The wastewater treatment system designed and constructed for the processing of wastewater
from the perforations. It provides the ability to adjust the amount of water recirculation, its
density and the viscosity of the solution with which it wishes to work during drilling.
Furthermore, it achieves the separation of solids from liquid particulate, whilst through
sedimentation and centrifugal separation achieves minimization of granulometry and purifying
the waste water. The separation and re-use of water aims to reduce the material and operating
costs as well as to prolong the life of the equipment. It can be applied generally at any condition
of drilling and morphology of the soil and treats the wastewater from the perforations at 98%.
Thus presents no environmental impact and comply with standards and environmental
management requirements.

Undoubtedly, water is a natural resource necessary in many processes, with the result that its
reserves and its quality decrease dramatically. The purpose of this upgrade, which is a process
with which it has historically been slightly upgraded, was the recycling and reduction of the
required water (initial necessary quantity amount: 50 m3 per well) used during the drilling
process, the construction of a geothermal system.


Impact on Society

Specific innovation has been implemented in 3 cases with results: 

  • Water recycling of 98% and therefore reducing water demand by 4800 liters
  • Minimize grain size at 98%, resulting in longer life time
  • Improvement of operating conditions of the systems ensures a longer life time thereof and materials, resulting in greater savings
  • Reduce costs by lengthening the lifetime of the project
  • Immediate cost savings by reducing water requirements during construction

Specific case of application:

ANGEMAR Shipping Company: Vertical geothermal drilling took place around the property using methods of natural resource saving and recycling. The building was certified by LEED.

Specific results


1.506.633,90 tn CO2

500 tn NOx


52% heating with oil

23% heating with natural gas

36% cooling with air / water heat pump

During this process the audit body gave a positive opinion and proceeded to the certification of LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) buildings, the internationally recognized environmental certification / assessment system for buildings and agglomerations using less energy, water and natural resources, in order to minimize the impact of a structure on the natural local environment during construction and throughout its useful life.

Next constructions under control for certification. Headquarters of Mytilineos Group SA


Initiative Location

The technology development and implementation process took place in Athens and was designed
to be portable but also compatible with the requirements of each project.
It is applied during the implementation phase of a geothermal system and can be applied to any
drilling condition, regardless of the climate zone, soil morphology, environmental conditions and
country specifics.
There is no limiting factor for its implementation, and apart from the construction of a
geothermal system it could also be applied to hydrogeneration or pumping of water from earth
excavations as well as in quarries and mines.


Working with Organization

The design and scientific operation of this technology implemented by the design and technical
staff of the company. The development process lasted 6 months. In its construction partners
involved mechanics. Its implementation is carried out by the specialized personnel of nikolaos
psarras | Geothermal Engineering.


Workers Participation

In the context of co-operation are given the opportunity to staff to implement ideas and
proposals regarding the development and evolution of the company.  Employees and associates of the company participated in the operation and methodology of the equipment, acquiring knowledge and practical experience in applying innovative methodologies.

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Benefits for Οrganization

The benefits of this innovation include:
• Upgrading of technical staff working environment
• Developing solidarity, cooperation and promoting fair competition in the field of readable
energy sources
• Improvement of operating conditions of the systems ensures a longer life time thereof and
materials, resulting in greater savings
• Improving reputation and positive name
• This methodology has completely replaced any methodology of older technology and nature
• This methodology is offered to all customers at no extra cost as nikolaos psarras | Geothermal
Engineering fully committed all the transition costs that were required.

Through this evolution of technology, nikolaos psarras | Geothermal Engineering has made
remarkable geothermal engineering partnerships that ensure the sustainable development and
high quality work and deliverables. Creating a positive reputation from satisfied customers and
partners and our ability to adapt to new conditions and working conditions helped nikolaos
psarras | Geothermal Engineering to penetrate new markets.

Connection with Global Goals

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