TOPIC: Initiatives on the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic


“Energize with Energean”

“Energize with Energean”


Established in 2007, Energean is a London Premium Listed FTSE 250 (LSE: ENOG) and Tel Aviv  (TASE:אנאג) Listed E&P company with operations in eight countries across the Mediterranean and UK North Sea. Since IPO, Energean has grown to become the leading independent, gas-focused E&P company in the Eastern Mediterranean, with a strong production and development growth profile. The Company explores and invests in new ideas, concepts and solutions to produce and develop energy efficiently, at low cost and with a low carbon footprint. Energean's production comes mainly from the Abu Qir field in Egypt and fields in Southern Europe. The company's flagship project is the 3.5 Tcf Karish, Karish North and Tanin development, offshore Israel, where it intends to use the newbuild fully-owned FPSO Energean Power, which will be the only FPSO in the Eastern Mediterranean, to produce first gas, commencing mid-2022.With a strong track record of growing reserves and resources, Energean is focused on maximising production from its large-scale gas-focused portfolio to deliver material free cash flow and maximise total shareholder return in a sustainable way. ESG and health and safety are paramount to Energean; it aims to run safe and reliable operations, whilst targeting carbon-neutrality across its operations by 2050.

Objective Action

  • Activities that protect both the physical and the psychological health of employees and their families.
  • Initiatives that respond to everyday social human needs and ensure the preservation of social cohesion between people.
  • Actions and synergies with third parties developed by Energean for the support of the National Health Systems of each country we operate in.  
  • Contribution to the efforts made by the governments and the societies for the relief of those that are affected the most in the context of this very tough fight against the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Crowdfunding objective: To raise and secure funding in order to improve the infrastructure of hospitals, and other Health Structures and Social Agencies that fight on the frontline of this pandemic. While engaging our colleagues, Energean also matched the monetary amount collected.
  • Bringing our company’s people together and its multinational cultures close. Enhancement of relationships and conversations between people and countries while sharing opinions, thoughts, feelings and experiences during these unprecedented times.  
  • Activities and efforts to engage our colleagues and keep them “close” to each other (although in distance), in order to avoid (all of us) from being secluded in our individuality and feel institutionalized.

Target Audience

  • Energean’s Management and Employees (our colleagues).
  • The National Health Systems of Greece, Israel and Egypt.
  • People in need in the City of Bar, Montenegro.




From the beginning of March 2020 until today (still running, May of 2021).


“Energize with Energean” is the name of a big umbrella of actions, initiatives and activities that Energean undertook during this unprecedented era of COVID-19.

We will describe them by presenting:

a) Energean’s initiatives for our colleagues, and

b) Energean’s initiatives for the National Healthcare Systems and the society, by country.


“Energize with Energean”


Energean’s initiatives for our colleagues

The welfare of employees has been of utmost importance during 2020’s pandemic outbreak.

From the very beginning of the COVID-19 outbreak, Energean started taking measures to protect our employees, including limitations on business travel, and adopting remote working gradually to all countries we have presence, ensuring that no jobs were lost due to the pandemic.

All these measures were well received by employees and this was depicted in the Employee Survey conducted in May reflecting our Company’s response on COVID-19 issues. 95% of the people who worked fully remotely across all regions have expressed their satisfaction with this measure. Some of the main reasons, apart from their safety, were the time saved from commuting to/from work and the better work life balance. As a result, the Senior Management has embraced remote work as an effective means of work in Energean.

Additionally, a variety of measures have been taken in order to provide a safe working environment for those who want or need to be on site, above and beyond the governmental COVID guidelines. For example, the employees were tested for COVID-19 at the company’s expense, protective screens and air purifiers were installed at all offices, while permanent anti-viral treatment for all surfaces and regular disinfection services were performed to all our offices.

To improve the employee welfare, we are adjusting the employee benefits, like:

  • Employee Assistance Program: Expected to be rolled out by the end of the year, the EAP will provide psychological support on various issues via accredited counsellors.
  • Private medical insurance: Energean is extending the private medical health care insurance to include Israel, were there is a growing workforce.
  • Cycle to work scheme: Another scheme we are rolling out to the United Kingdom employees enabling them to a more environmentally friendly commute and safer from COVID.


On top of that, Energean’s CSR Department introduced activities that protect both the physical and the psychological health of employees and their families. A new initiative, when the first lockdown was imposed, was the online workout sessions. The whole concept is to give our colleagues the opportunity to work-out live, from the comfort of their homes, since the COVID-19 pandemic restricted civilians’ movement and imposed country lockdowns. By urging our colleagues to stay home safe but at the same time to stay fit and active, the CSR Department booked on-line work-out classes with two professional personal trainers and group fitness instructors. Twice a week we provide “Strength & Body Conditioning” classes, while once a week (to balance things up), we provide a class on “Dynamic Yoga”. Therefore, during the lockdown all Energean employees and their families had (and still have) the change to practice live with their colleagues and maintain their physical and mental health.

Moreover, the CSR Department introduced a new initiative in the fight against COVID-19, called “Energize with Energean - Run for your Local Healthcare Heroes!”. In an attempt to support the continued fight against the pandemic, we urged our colleagues to Run 5 Kilometers, Donate £5 and Nominate 5 colleagues/friends/family to do the same. The money went to a crowdfunding platform and the amount collected was matched by Energean to the support our Local Healthcare Heroes, those who are fighting COVID -19 everyday (i.e. donation to the HealthCare System of Greece and Israel).  On the top of that, and in order to make the initiative more fun and engaging, we created an “Energize with Energean” Instagram page for photo sharing and a LinkedIn group to go along with the campaign and inform about the process and the progress.

Furthermore, a new initiative by the CSR Department was introduced, called “Stay Safe, Stay Healthy”. Our colleagues were invited to share healthy recipes and pictures, in order to explore the Culinary Cultures of Energean’s people and contribute to the upcoming “Energizers Eat Healthy” Cookbook. That led to the creation of the webpage “”, where colleagues can see, comment and share recipes.

We took things further, and we organized (it is going on until now) online cooking sessions called “Online Cooking with Colleagues! 2 Recipes, 2 Chefs, 2 Cultures”. A pair of employees (male and female) from different countries, were introduced as the evening “chefs”. They have announced their recipes and ingredients days before and that evening the cook their dish online, with colleagues following their lead and instructions in the kitchen. The event raises awareness of different culinary cultures between employees and their families, it brings together people, flavors, recipes, traditional and local products, and it presents ingredients and tastes from different countries. The main idea is to explore a variety of food cultures while combining it with healthy eating. The whole family is in the kitchen, creating a bonding element and fun memories in these tremendously difficult lockdown days.

Finally, with the motto “Stay Safe, Stay Creative”, the CSR Department urged all Energean employees to help support a healthy community and to become artists, by creating patterns/drawings for a face mask, inspired by the Energean colors. The face masks created, which were distributed to all Energean employees, were printed by a company which with every mask you buy, the printing company gives one out to the community.   

“Energize with Energean”

Energean’s initiatives for the National Healthcare Systems and the society, by country.



Protective Face Shields

When the pandemic first struck Greece, Energean decided to financially support the innovative method to create protection face shields, an idea invented by the Department of Mechanical Engineering and the Pulmonary Clinic of the University of Thessaly. The team collaborates with the Department of Emergency Incidents of "Achilopoulio", Volos General Hospital, and the company “TED3D”, a Greek start-up 3D-printing company in Volos.

In the context of the initiative, protection face shields were produced distributed to entities involved in the battle against COVID-19 in the country. Energean secured that the needs of the Hospitals, the National Centers for Emergency Assistance (EKABs) and the Police Departments in Kavala, Pyrgos and Ioannina (areas in which Energean is running operations) would be covered.


Molecular Control Diagnostic Device (PCR)

From the CSR Department’s campaign "Energize with Energean - Run for your Local HealthCare Heroes" (please see description on the section “Energean’s initiatives for our colleagues” above) and with the engagement of colleagues, friends and family (crowdfunding platform), our company matched the amount raised and contributed (along with the Medical Association of Kavala) to the purchase of a Molecular Control Diagnostic Device (PCR) for the General Hospital of Kavala for the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic.

The device checks 4 samples at the same time and produces the results (positive or negative) in 45 minutes. The specific device can complete more than 100 tests per day to identify COVID-19 cases.

Due to the summer period increased needs in the island of Thassos, one of Greece’s most popular destinations, it was decided by the General Hospital of Kavala to grant the Device for a few months to the Health Center of Prinos.



Food offering

In Israel, in collaboration with the Metuka Bakery chain, platters of food and pastries were donated and offered to the medical and nursing teams of Rambam Hospital, in Haifa.

COVID-19 medical kits

Through the "Energize with Energean – Run for your Local Healthcare Heroes" campaign (please see description on the section “Energean’s initiatives for our colleagues” above), our company was able to provide Magen David Adom (MDA), Israel's National Emergency Pre-Hospital Medical and Blood Services Organization, with COVID-19 medical kits.

This life-saving equipment donation has enabled a five-people medical team of MDA to treat thousands of infected individuals in their homes. MDA has recognized Energean among its valuable partners in the fight against COVID-19. Since the Coronavirus pandemic erupted in Israel, MDA has been at the forefront of the public health alongside the Israeli Ministry of Health.



Medical Supplies for hospitals

Energean participated, along with National Oil Companies and Operators, in an initiative undertaken by the Egyptian Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Social Solidarity and the Food Bank, aiming at securing medical supplies for hospitals, vulnerable fellow citizens and remote communities of the country.

Egypt’s Petroleum Sector initiative "One hand"

Our company participated, along with other energy companies in "One Hand", a great initiative organized by Egypt Oil & Gas in collaboration with the NGO “Misr El Kheir”, under the auspices of the Ministry of Petroleum.

“One Hand” was Egypt’s Petroleum Sector initiative to support Egypt’s Medical Sector. The aim of the campaign was to support the Ministry of Health to face COVID-19 challenges, by providing the medical supplies and equipment that are needed by the Ministry of Health, like Ventilators, face masks, PPEs, etc.

In Egypt, government hospitals faced shortage in some medical supplies, due to the large number of patients, and accordingly needed external support from other sectors. Following donations from Energean and other energy companies that operate in the country, the requested materials were collected and delivered to the premises of the Ministry of Health, for distribution.



Food Boxes

Energean, in collaboration with the local branch of the Red Cross in the City of Bar, provided food boxes to the organization for a donation and distribution to people in need, in an attempt to contribute to the efforts made by the country during this difficult fight against COVID-19.



Impact on Society

Energean maintains strong bonds between the company and its stakeholders and local communities. It is important to us that we constantly try to address their needs through our social contributions and actions. Our CSR department works hard on building upon day-to-day interactions with the communities and our staff strives to provide greater support and works towards improved methods of assessing needs.

During this COVID-19 era, we remained close to the needs of our stakeholders. Health and Safety was the focus, so we turned our efforts towards that direction, following the times. Energean adopted to this year’s unprecedented and unusual circumstances and caught the pulse of society, by contributing in the fight against the pandemic with the multiple and numerous ways described in the texts above, in all the countries it operates.

Furthermore, we strongly believe that these initiatives and actions will result in permanent benefits for the public health and the local economies, along with the relief of those that are affected the most by the pandemic.


Initiative Location

Energean’s countries of operation: Greece, the United Kingdom, Israel, Egypt and Montenegro.

Working with Organization


  • University of Thessaly
  1. Department of Mechanical Engineering.
  2. Pulmonary Clinic.
  • Department of Emergency Incidents of "Achilopoulio", Volos General Hospital.
  • The company “TED3D”, a Greek start-up 3D-printing company in Volos.
  • General Hospitals of Kavala, Pyrgos and Ioannina.
  • National Centers for Emergency Assistance (EKABs) of Kavala, Pyrgos and Ioannina.
  • Police Departments of Kavala, Pyrgos and Ioannina.
  • Medical Association of Kavala.
  • Health Center of Prinos, Thasos Island.


  • Metuka Bakery Chain.
  • Magen David Adom (MDA), Israel's National Emergency Pre-Hospital Medical and Blood Services Organization.


  • National Oil Companies and Operators.
  • Egypt’s Ministry of Health.
  • Egypt’s Ministry of Social Solidarity.
  • The Food Bank.
  • Egypt’s Oil & Gas.
  • NGO “Misr El Kheir”.


  • The Red Cross (local branch in the City of Bar).



Workers Participation

Yes. Energean’s Top Management and Employees from Greece, the United Kingdom, Israel, Egypt and Montenegro.


Benefits for Οrganization

  • Strengthening of Energean’s company profile as a Corporate Socially Responsible entity.
  • Servicing the Sustainable Development Goals:
  1. No 2: Zero Hunger.
  2. No 3: Good Health and Well-Being.
  3. No 17: Partnerships for the Goals. 
  • Practicing the implementation of the Goals, by actually acting on them.
  • Colleagues’ awareness and engagement: By running, the management and the employees were engaged in the crowd funding raising process, being part of the donation towards the National HealthCare Systems of their countries. They were part of the action/contribution.

Within the company and among its employees, Energean through a holistic approach, tried to maintain the human bonding which is an essential and necessary part for communication and collaboration between people. The “Energize with Energean” umbrella initiatives had exactly that. The on-line weekly work-out sessions were launched to support colleagues working-from-home during lockdown and bring them exercising “live”, all together. The Energean run, where colleagues and business partners of our company were urged to run for their local healthcare heroes, was organized to engage people during these unprecedented times. The goal was the attempt to avoid losing the passion for work, but most importantly, the passion for human contact. We tried to sustain a healthy and humane psychological support, in an attempt to “stay close” to each other, avoid being secluded in our individuality and feel institutionalized.



Connection with Global Goals

More Initiatives from Organization

Al Maddeyah Village, Egypt: Energean’s Community and Social Initiatives for our fellow citizens.

Energean commits to Net-Zero Emissions by 2050.

Hydrogean: Energean’s model that combines Eco-hydrogen production with carbon dioxide sequestration into the adjacent Prinos Carbon Capture & Storage plant.

World Environment Day 2018: Cleaning of the seabed of Kavala’s port “Apostolos Pavlos”.

“We Can – We Care”: Playing Basketball with and for our fellow citizens with disabilities, along with Crowdfunding for a Special School in Kavala.

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The Sustainable Greece Ιnitiative launched by QualityNet Foundation