
Program "Asfalistikos Goneas"

Program "Asfalistikos Goneas"


Our purpose at Allianz - European Reliance is to protect people and businesses from risk. In this way, we contribute to the long-term financial well-being of our customers and the stabilization of local economies. Insurance is one of the key ways we limit the impact of climate risks and compensate for climate-related losses. The higher a country's level of insurance coverage, the more resilient it is to extreme natural events. In addition, after an extreme weather event such as a flood or hurricane, insurance claims are often a quick and reliable solution to enable those affected to recover quickly. In addition to contributing to sustainable economic growth through our business activity, we also focus on overcoming barriers to social inclusion that will lead our society to a better, more productive future. That is why the empowerment of young people and the support of vulnerable social groups are key pillars of Allianz - European Reliance's  Corporate Responsibility program.

Objective Action

European Reliance actively integrates Corporate Social Responsibility at the heart of its business operations, thus creating a new innovative insurance offered free of charge to the Greek society.

The company, in addition to its sponsorships and solidarity actions of financial assistance and understanding of the needs of society, leverages its skills and knowledge capital so that its business operation is multidimensional and accepted by the general population as well as by its customers. By creating insurance products that satisfy fixed and stable needs of society, without the requirement of a relationship between the company and the insured, thus contributing to society as a whole.

At present, financial support is not enough. Responsible corporate citizens must mobilise both their resources and their expertise in order to produce value-added work in the social sector. The "Asfalistikos Goneas" stands by the policyholder and his/her family in the event that he/she is unable to fulfil his/her role as a natural parent due to an accident, ensuring free purchases from a number of European Reliance partner companies.


Target Audience

In the entire population of the Greek territory.



The program is open-ended. It was launched in 2012 and continues to operate until today.


"Asfalistikos goneas" is a pioneering and innovative insurance program that can be acquired free of charge by any interested insured of the Company. Through the program, European Reliance provides:

1. Free purchases of up to €1,500 per month for a full year to the family of the insured, in case of loss of life due to an accident of the insured.
2. Free purchases of up to 1,500€ per month in the event of hospitalization due to an accident and for a period equal to the insured's hospitalization time of up to twelve months.
3. If you already have or have acquired any type of insurance, e.g. car, fire, life, etc., at the renewal of the policy, the amount received from the purchases made with Asfalistikos goneas card is refunded to the insured. European Reliance refunds up to 100% of the premiums paid by the insured minus one euro. The amount of the refund depends on the amount of purchases made from the companies participating in the programme.

How does it work in practice?
1. The person applies either online ( or at one of the 5,589 European Reliance partners, or through the "Asfalistikos Goneas" app and obtains the program card.
2. Make purchases at partner companies (Sklavenitis, Masoutis, Market In, EKO, BP, Revoil, VODAFONE, Plaisio, Sephora, Notos, Avis, Pet City, etc.).
3. Display the program card to find out the amount of the refund.
4. The purchase is registered and the cardholder can be notified of the amount collected as a shopping reimbursement either from the site ( or from their mobile or tablet via the Asfalistikos goneas app.


Impact on Society

Thanks to this innovative action, citizens who cannot afford the money have the opportunity to be insured at no cost, making only the necessary purchases of the month. (supermarket, gas, etc.) with the Asfalistikos Goneas card. European Reliance has rewarded, for 2021, the holders of the "Asfalistikos Goneas", with more than € 940 thousand.

Initiative Location


Working with Organization

Sklavenitis, Vodafone, Masoutis, Revoil, BP, EKO, Plaisio, Sephora, Mango, Green Energy, Adidas, Volton Hellenic, Market -in, Adidas, BioMed etc.

Workers Participation

All  employees actively participate in the "Asfalistikos Goneas" program.

Benefits for Οrganization

For European Reliance General Insurance Co. SA, Corporate Social Responsibility is a business behaviour, as it is a tool for achieving sustainable development. Sustainability requires strong financial results and social solidarity towards all stakeholders, especially in these days of testing times.

"Asfalistikos Goneas "comes from the company's duty to ensure that social contribution is not limited to sponsorships, but is part of our business plan. 
As part of its corporate responsibility, European Reliance offers to the entire Greek society the innovative program "Asfalistikos Goneas ". A no-cost program, directly linked to the most common act of every family, its daily purchases.

Connection with Global Goals

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