



Knauf Gypsopiia A.B.E.E. is a member of Knauf Group. Its industrial activity in Greece began in 1991 and since then produces and offers complete building systems for partitions, ceilings, plasters, floors, ETICS, insulation and other special building systems.


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Objective Action

Knauf implements an integrated and certified Health & Safety program.

Starting in 2016, it has also begun to implement the 5S program, aiming to strengthen the consolidation of the Corporate Health & Safety culture for employees at Amphilochia plant and to further improve their working environment.


Target Audience

Employees at Amfilochia's premises. 104 employees in the Administration Building, Training Center  and Production.



The program started in early 2016 and has been integrated into the company's permanent procedures.


5S is a system of continuous improvement, focused on issues of tidiness, cleanliness and workplace organization.  Like all systems of continuous improvement:

• is based on the participation of all employees
• aims at small, continuous, sustainable improvement steps
• does not require large capital investments
• performs in the medium-long term (after half a year the changes begin to be visible - it takes 2-3 years to fully develop the system)
• it never ends (it is part of the company's permanent procedures and is not a finite work).

Program definition:
5S represent the following Japanese (and English) words:
• Seiri (sort) - sort - sweep
• Seiton (Set in Order) Sort / Arrange- Combine
• Seiso (Shine) - Clean-Polishing
• Seiketsu (Standardization-Stabilizing) - Standardization - Consistency
• Shitsuke (Sustain, Discipline) - Discipline - Continuity

Basic Implementation Steps:

  • Training of all staff
  • Creating groups and setting up an organizational structure
  • Geographical identification of areas of responsibility
  • Creation of system tools (color chart, audit form, inspection forms, project registration form, evaluation histogram)

Program implementation at Knauf Gypsopiia A.B.E.E.:

  • Launch in early 2016
  • Creation of basic structure, roles of employees, areas of responsibility of each group, first cycle of education
  • Final form of Action Plans, inspections
  • Second cycle of training, evaluation reviews
  • Actions to extend and sustain the system : introduction to the ISO 9001 documentation
  • Designing a team performance evaluation and rewarding system. Every 4 months, two independent and unannounced on-site evaluations are implemented, the first by the independent consultants and the second by the project owner and factory manager. Based on the results of the two evaluations, the highest ranking team is obtained through the existing rating system and is awarded in the presence of the Project Owner (General Manager), the Project Owner (Plant Manager) and the staff.  The first award ceremony for 2018 was combined with the visit of our Regional Manager Mrs. Isabel Knauf  and the Managing Partner Mr. Alexander Knauf, who congratulated all employees, underlined their commitment to the program and their support to all the efforts made.  Rewards at the department level have created a healthy competition, and especially among the departments that have yet to be distinguished.


Impact on Society

Having completed 3 years of implementation of the program, the results from the actions that have been implemented, the evaluations and the rewards are:

  • Improving the cooperation of the different departments of the plant, especially in the production area. For the implementation of the program, 13 5S teams were created at the factory with about 80 Action Plans each and 80% already completed. To achieve this, both good communication and co-operation within the department, as well as among the departments, is required.
  • Developing in the employees a sense of pride and responsibility for their work and their workplace.
  • Reduction of waste: the effort paid by workers is considerably reduced, as they function in a cleaner and tidiest workplace.

Initiative Location

Amphilochia plant premises.  Production site, training center and administration offices.

Working with Organization

The program was designed and implemented in collaboration with the Euro Excellence Consultants, whο also function as external program evaluators.

Workers Participation

The participation of all employees is a basic prerequisite for the implementation of the program.


Benefits for Οrganization

The company, like the employees, has significant benefits from implementing the program:

  • Reduce waste of space, time and equipment. Particularly in areas such as the spare parts dept. and the raw materials warehouse, tidiness has reduced to a minimum the time it takes to store and find materials / spare parts
  • Improved product quality
  • Improved productivity
  • Promoting the company as the top among the companies of the Group that have implemented the 5S system and presenting its example as a best practice for the companies wishing to integrate it. The General Manager and the Plant Manager were invited to present at Amphilochia's premises the implementation of the program to the sister companies from Algeria and Tunisia, which have begun its implementation, choosing the Euro Excellence Consultants. In 2018 Knauf Greece initiated the program in the Cyprus plant and in July 2018 the Debar plant also began.

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The Sustainable Greece Ιnitiative launched by QualityNet Foundation