
CasaClima Certification, the Climate House of the Mediterranean

CasaClima Certification, the Climate House of the Mediterranean


F.U.V. Products was founded in 2013 as a subsidiary of F.U.V Group. Through the research, search and testing of new technical applications and innovative materials, the gaps in the then Greek market were highlighted and covered.

Applications such as the blowing technique, mechanical ventilation with heat recovery, airtightness products and the use of natural materials, focus on upgrading the indoor quality of living alongside energy savings.

Our ultimate goal is to create spaces with well-being where one can live more healthily and not only with low heating costs, as these two are not necessarily the same.

Our core subject is expertise

The products and techniques we recommend have been tested and selected by us as consulting engineers and not simply as resellers or representatives of some companies. For this reason we have all the freedom to point out the positives and negatives of each product, making honest comparisons and proposing the best solutions according to the needs of the employer, the available budget and the desired goals.

We are particularly happy that today we see the evolution of the Greek market in techniques that we have been trying to transfer to this sector since 2005. This fact gives us courage and faith to continue on the same path.

At the same time, the very positive results we receive from our customers confirm our initial choice: To leave a world better than the one we found!

Objective Action

The Greek Climate House comes to coexist and integrate with local communities, habits and lifestyles. Building sustainability is the main goal worldwide and it is a holistic concept that should not be limited to evaluating the energy efficiency of a building. The protocol of the Greek Climate House examines various aspects with the most important of all the man himself. Each project, apart from the name of the owner and the engineers, has behind it every single person who uses it and also contributes to its implementation. Unfortunately, it has turned out to be more complicated for a user or a technician to "learn" what he was applying until today than to learn something new. That is why no energy upgrade and sustainability policy can work effectively without human habits that differ from place to place. Building sustainability for a large part of the population still sounds like something incomprehensible and distant that requires sacrifices and difficult changes. But in reality it can be achieved without any reduction in the quality of life. The current building activity is an important bridge between the local communities and the desired goal and the practice of education and information through the Climate House program, offers the right tool.


Target Audience

The certification of a building, whether new or existing through the protocol of the Climate House, is a practice that involves all participants around a construction activity (engineers, workshops, suppliers, owners, developers, brokers, etc.).
That is, starting from the construction activity, it is addressed to everyone. It is a short and comprehensive information and training program, along with the innovative technical applications that are implemented.



The first building that was certified with the protocol of the Climate House in Greece, was in Aegina in 2018. Since then, this practice continues to be applied with the aim of educating individuals but mainly professionals (engineers, builders, craftsmen) through seminars and presentations.


The practice of the Hellenic Climate House analyzes the habits and needs of each local community or region. Then, through an educational seminar that is done exclusively to the contractors of each project, information and analysis of the desired goal is made. At the same time, the problems created by the maintenance of old habits of use or application techniques are reported and pointed out.

In the field of workshops in particular, a mandatory presentation is made on the occasion of the application of new innovative materials, safety measures and the operation of the construction site. This short pre-assignment seminar provides fertile ground for participants' awareness, acts as a multiplier of knowledge and explains the need and reason why building techniques are being adapted.

The same goes for designers or project owners, so the 100 people involved on average in a medium construction can transfer their experience to at least three people in their inner circle, tripling the amount of information. In this way, awareness is passed indirectly through word of mouth to the community and is conveyed through a more secure framework of trust, outside of official or remote bodies, regulations, mandates or decisions that often act as a deterrent.

The implementation of this protocol in each project, has a direct impact on local communities, significantly affecting the residents of each area. In short, from the moment that each local contractor attends the short and necessary informative presentation as a condition for undertaking a project, the empathy is built slowly and steadily around issues that until now were negligible or unfortunately in the opposite direction. Innovation cannot be imposed, especially in an reality that follows the tactic: "we have always done so". The success of a project is more in its path and for the right result it is necessary to devote hours of training, information and awareness of all stakeholders to understand and believe that they are not just participating in a routine construction work but that they contribute to trying to leave them behind. something better than what they found, to make a world better!

For the successful completion of a sustainable building of almost zero consumption, it is necessary to follow a specific design that combines the choice of materials and the appropriate way of their application. In the last 100 years of construction activity, the wasteful buildings in which we all grew up have created wasteful people and wasteful habits without them being perceived. An illustrative example is that few realize the fact that in Attica cars are washed with drinking water, at a time when in other parts of the world this would sound like a science fiction scenario.

So, the biggest and most important need to achieve sustainability in Greece and in the Mediterranean in general is to change the way we are used to perceiving our environment (what surrounds us) and to recognize the wealth that this particular geographical location generously offers us. A green building is a way of life and with its construction another culture and social approach is created that starts from the construction industry. New generation projects, "green" projects cannot be implemented with old techniques, but neither can they be used efficiently by their users without proper information and requires targeted training and awareness of all involved. Especially in today's conditions where the human resources are missing from the Greek market and at the same time the high quality of infrastructure is required, education through construction becomes the link between economy, environment and society with the ultimate goal of sustainable development. The possibility given for the effect of the specific practice exceeds the limits of the company's possibilities as it can be easily appropriated and applied by respective technical companies, engineers, private or public bodies with the aim of its development and transmission.


Impact on Society

The biggest challenge today is the training of workshops that continue to apply old techniques with new materials resulting in their incorrect application. The originality of the practice lies in the fact that the same value and importance is given for the first time to all involved. From the owner and the engineers, to the craftsmen who until today are treated as consumable factors of a construction. From our experience, the moment we ask even the last assistant of any workshop to attend a short training seminar, the following emotions are automatically created: He feels valuable and useful, he realizes that his work is valued and that himself is important for the project, even with the smallest movement such as keeping a separate sorting bin and the use of building materials with economy. The feeling is created that he "participates" in something unprecedented and different from the routine work he did until today. Even more when informed about unprecedented things such as that this project attaches great importance to the collection of rainwater, the use of solar energy and the careful selection of any thermal insulation material, he will see first hand that innovation and evolution are not distant meanings but they are happening right now and that is part of this journey. The whole practice is in constant progress as new materials, techniques and needs and experiences appear every year. At the same time, the process of its implementation is easy (not simple) and almost standardized as no special deepening or analysis is required from one case to another. It is mainly done through training by FUV in the training of owners and stakeholders in general, as well as energy consultants, engineers who will be responsible for its implementation and will be able to operate as multipliers throughout the country. The measurable and comparable results from such a construction, which serve as a non-negotiable proof, are the electricity bill and the energy consumption of a completed project. Specifically, in the first project of Aegina, energy consumption worth € 6 was measured for 87 days in the middle of heat and this amount, which seems distant and elusive for everyone, comes as a practical result of innovation and sustainable development both in the local community and in the wider consumer public. After all, the cheapest energy is the one we do not need!

Initiative Location

The practice is already implemented mainly in Italy and can take place throughout Greece as well as in the rest of Europe.

Working with Organization

In Greece, the practice has not yet been tested with other public or private bodies, while in specific areas of Italy it is a prerequisite for any construction activity in each province.


Workers Participation

All employees involved in the construction of a technical project, must attend the short information seminar that explains in a simple way the reason why it is chosen to build a sustainable "green" house.

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Benefits for Οrganization

FUV has the opportunity to transfer its specialized know-how, to train new engineers in the use of this practice and to offer consulting services in the construction of any small or large scale project. At the same time, it has already been awarded for the implementation of this practice in Italy and Greece.

Connection with Global Goals

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The Sustainable Greece Ιnitiative launched by QualityNet Foundation