
INTERAMERICAN pioneering communication initiative for students' financial literacy

INTERAMERICAN pioneering communication initiative for students financial literacy


INTERAMERICAN was founded in 1969. Ιn 2001 the company was incorporated in one of the top European financial groups, ACHMEA. INTERAMERICAN is a leader in the insurance market in Health and Assistance Services, whilst is being included among the top companies in Life and Pension insurance sectors.


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Objective Action

The Tipping Point (TTP) in collaboration with Interamerican implemented the "Financial Literacy" campaign. as well as to understand in practice the meaning and value of income-expenditure planning, savings and security and to contribute to the creation of informed and conscious young people regarding their academic choices and their future professional career. With the help of technology in communication, students expand their horizons, coming into dialogue with well-known people from all over the world, who act as mentors. The list of mentors, with interesting topics, includes from doctors and farmers, to NASA engineers - people that students could not meet otherwise. In this case, in the specially designed action of financial literacy for the 5 Gymnasiums and Lyceums participate from INTERAMERICAN, which sponsors the thematic field, 15 of its executives and associates, who have undergone relevant educational preparation.


Target Audience

The action is aimed at young people, High School and Lyceum students, from all week who would like to discover the professional possibilities and opportunities related to the insurance industry and how technology is integrated in this industry, as well as to understand in practice the meaning and value of revenue-expenditure planning, savings and security.




What is the significance of saving? How do I learn to plan my income and expenses properly? What is the role and professional capabilities of an insurance consultant? How is technology integrated into insurance business? Tipping Point and INTERAMERICAN created the appropriate framework for 5 schools in Greece, in order for students to chat online with professionals and get to know the subject better, to deepen the above concepts, to obtain healthy consumption patterns and to be informed about

With this action, students of secondary education from 5 selected Gymnasiums and Lyceums of the country, had the opportunity to be informed and understand the meaning and value of income-expense planning, savings and the contribution of insurance to financial prosperity, building insurance consciousness. At the same time, the students were introduced to the professional possibilities and opportunities related to the insurance industry, as well as the ways in which digital technology is integrated into insurance activities and changes them. Through scheduled, interactive live video sessions, organized by "The Tipping Point" in collaboration with selected schools, students talk to experienced professionals in order to better understand the economy, money and insurance and, above all, to achieve healthy consumption patterns.


Impact on Society

The action took place in five (5) geographical areas where the company operates.
26 group sessions were organized and held.
558 students participated and attended the sessions.
A total of 253 top-rated assessments were collected from students and teachers (at the end of each session participants were asked to complete an assessment form relating to the session and the mentor).

Initiative Location

The action took place in five (5) geographical areas where there is also commercial interest: Specifically, the participating schools were from the following areas:

N. Smyrni


Working with Organization

The action is implemented in collaboration with "Tipping Point" (

Workers Participation

The TTP team in collaboration with Interamerican Communication and Corporate Social Responsibility has created a community of mentors. The professionals who took on the role of mentor are experienced sales executives of the company as well as its associates from the University of Piraeus. Through the action, the mentors were given the opportunity to highlight their profession, to share with the students their knowledge, experience and advice by discussing with them. A total of sixteen (16) professionals joined the mentor community.


Benefits for Οrganization

Over-indebtedness of households, reducing the gender gap through specific financial actions, health insurance literacy, adolescent illiteracy, national strategies for financial education as well as the necessary educational reforms at all levels of education, starting from primary school. issues that are now of strategic concern to INTERAMERICAN. Through the collaboration with Tipping Point, we had the opportunity to reach out to high school students and talk to them about these issues with the ultimate goal of gaining basic financial knowledge, adopting sound consumer standards and being informed about the opportunities presented in modern insurance industry.

Immediate measurement results on the benefits of the body do not exist due to the fact that it is an action of informing and raising awareness of adolescents.

Connection with Global Goals

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