
"Promoting the integration of green infrastructure in the urban fabric to improve government policy in relation to climate change in cities"

"Promoting the integration of green infrastructure in the urban fabric to improve government policy in relation to climate change in cities"


Municipality of Crete established by Kallikrates Program. It resulted by the merger of pre-existing municipalities: Heraklion, Palianis, Temenos, New Bodrum and Gorgolaini.

Raed more: www.heraklion.gr



Objective Action

The main objectives of the project are:

The acquisition of know-how by the Municipalities for the creation, management & monitoring of a complete network of green spaces, building on the experience they already have. The participating Municipalities have already been active in the field of climate change and will contribute their experience to create strategic planning directions that will be implemented by themselves and other municipalities with similar problems.

Promoting the organization of green space management in other municipalities. At the national level, RIS will compile a relevant register and directions to include other Municipalities of Greece in order to connect and systematically manage green spaces. Gradually, RIS will set the registration of municipalities in the register and their commitment to the implementation of the guidelines that will be defined in the program as a condition for the granting of financial support for projects related to urban green in the future. This ensures that it is widely implemented at national level.


Target Audience

To the citizens of the city of Heraklion and its visitors.



June 2018- December 2022.


The project includes the organization of green spaces at the municipal level (creation of database, evaluation and management planning), with main axis tree lines, parks and streams. The evaluation will be based on a system of indicators developed under the program, taking into account the public perception (WWF), mitigation of the effects of climate change on biodiversity (IDMO), the contribution of urban green to carbon storage and improvement of the microclimatic conditions of cities (ART). As part of the project, an electronic platform will be developed for the registration of available data on green spaces at central level (RIS).

The requirements of the project for the Municipality of Heraklion include briefly:

participation in project meetings, either in Athens or Heraklion,
organization of information actions planning and implementation of urban green management measures (eg pruning, creation of new green spaces, replacement of individuals of trees or shrubs, etc.) based on the general planning of the Municipality.


Impact on Society

Measurable goals are:

Increase CO2 commitment (depending on the city and the progress it has made so far) to achieve the 2020 CO2 Target (Covenant of Mayors)
Increasing the green area and creating connected spaces (green networks)
Commitment of 2 additional Municipalities for the goals Mitigation (2030) & Adaptation of the Covenant of Mayors (Thessaloniki & Heraklion, only Maroussi is committed to these 2)
Commitment of 10 municipalities (3 project partners + 7 more) for the implementation of the Strategic Planning to affect more than 1 million inhabitants (10% of the total population of the country).

Initiative Location

The administrative territory of the Municipality of Heraklion.

Working with Organization

The proposal for the above program was submitted on September 7, 2017, coordinated by ELGO DIMITRA, Institute of Forest Mediterranean Systems (IMDE) based in Athens and the following partners:

Ministry of Environment & Energy - Forest Service
Central Union of Greek Municipalities
Municipality of Maroussi
Municipality of Heraklion, Crete
Technomoostasis OE

The program has also received support from the Decentralized Administrations of Crete and Attica and from the WWF.


Workers Participation

Participation of executives of the Municipality of Heraklion.

Benefits for Οrganization

In the context of the European LIFE Program 2017:

1. A new green area will be installed in the Stream of Eritrea with an area of 7 acres, for which we have concluded a planting-irrigation study and next month there will be a competition for the nomination of a contractor who will implement it.

2. 70 acres of existing green spaces will be aesthetically improved with studies prepared by our Service and will be completed in May this year.

Connection with Global Goals

More Initiatives from Organization

Actions to promote Heraklion as a gastronomic destination "Heraklion Flavors"

Autonomous Home Composting Systems in Urban Environment and acronym ACUA of the Business Program INTERREG V-A Greece - Cyprus 2014 -2020

Award of the Municipal Water Supply Company of Heraklion (DEYAΗ) in the pan-Hellenic tender of the Public Electricity Company (DEH)

CITYZEN APP SCHOOLS: Application for the proper management and immediate information concerning school's problems

Electronic Building Permitting System

Electronic collection, visualization and distribution of City Data (smartcity.heraklion.gr)

Experiential - participatory seminar in the framework of the European Program A2UFood "Avoidable and Non-Food Residues: A Holistic Management Approach for Urban Areas" entitled: "FoodSaveShare: How not to lose anything!"

Geospatial Information Infrastructure of the Municipality of Heraklion (hereinafter referred to as "Infrastructure") site for information and extraction of urban data and information

Heraklion Municipality Award at "The World's Smart21 Communities"

Heraklion Municipality Online Culture Channel (http://www.youtube.com/c/HeraklionArtsCulture)

Implementation of Quality Standards ISO 9001: 2008, Common Evaluation Framework, Management Adequacy of Types A, B, C

Lifelong Learning Programs

Organization of the 1st Scientific Conference "Heraklion… The Learning City" - Synergies for the promotion of Lifelong Learning, in the context of the active participation of the Municipality of Heraklion in the UNESCO World Network for Learni

Pancretan Stadium Award for its standard operation

Program Agreement between the Municipality of Heraklion and the University of Crete for the Integration of the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals and their connection with Entrepreneurship in the Municipality of Heraklion

Social Policy in the Municipality of Heraklion: a model of organization, planning and implementation of Social Policy and Community Development in an urban municipality


Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan of the Municipality of Heraklion

Training, Monitoring and Evaluation of Strategic Planning and Business Planning

URBACT - KAIRÓS - Cultural heritage as Urban Regeneration



"Heraklion, routes in the city, acquaintance with history and culture, an experiential experience"

"Inclusion of refugees through sports in the Municipality of Heraklion" ("FIT FOR ALL") "Social Integration of Refugees through Sports in the Municipality of Heraklion"

"Register of Volunteers" - Collaborative Actions with volunteer groups in the wider area for everyday issues

"Waste Management Intelligent Systems and Policies" with the acronym "WIN - POL" (Intelligent Waste Management and Policies) in the framework of the Interreg Europe Program

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The Sustainable Greece Ιnitiative launched by QualityNet Foundation