Μαθητικές δημιουργίες


ΘΕΜΑΤΙΚΗ ΕΝΟΤΗΤΑ: Μαθητικές δημιουργίες


Μαντινάδες για την Ειρήνη και τη Δικαιοσύνη στον κόσμο

Μαντινάδες για την Ειρήνη και τη Δικαιοσύνη στον κόσμο



Διευθυντής Σχολείου


Επικοινωνία με σχολείο


Στον παρακάτω σύνδεσμο θα βρείτε τις μαντινάδες μας στην αγγλική γλώσσα από όλα τα σχολεία-εταίρους:


Και ξεχωριστά της ιταλικής ομάδας μαθητών με μουσική: https://vimeo.com/327355379

Με πρωτοβουλία των μαθητών του σχολείου μας δόθηκαν οδηγίες στα συνεργαζόμενα σχολεία της Ευρώπης να γράψουν μαντινάδες για  τον ΣΤΟΧΟ 16, ΕΙΡΗΝΗ, ΔΙΚΑΙΟΣΎΝΗ ΚΑΙ ΙΣΧΥΡΟΥΣ ΘΕΣΜΟΥΣ.

Το αποτέλεσμα ήταν εξαιρετικό και μας εξέπληξε όλους ευχάριστα. Στο τέλος έγινε με κλήρωση η επιλογή της καλύτερης μαντινάδας που γράψανε μαθητές και τοποθετήθηκε στον κήπο του σχολείου μας μαζί με τα νέα φυτά που φύτεψε όλη η διεθνής ομάδα.

OUR DREAMS ON POEM                                                   


Peace :We cannot delay peace for another day,

            such a small word for such great utopia.

            Will we be able to fight and claim for it,

            and create a new simple world by now?

                                                                 Joana Sousa

Justice:  To be fair and just means to live in full harmony.

                An unjust law makes us become slaves of an unfair world.

                Justice is equal to freedom and equality.

                Without it, we don´t live in a fraternal world.

                                                                            Sofia Solayman

Sharing: Always help your neighbor, and share with your heart
                In exchange you´ll feel enormous gratitude.
                If we were all the same, we wouldn´t share anything,

               Once we are not, we will have to change something

                                                              Joel Martins

Future: We are a new generation and we will change the world                    

              and bring harmony and peace to this dying planet.

              We are young and we fight for a brighter future.

              Let peace and justice be a reality, and not just a dream

                                                                    Joana Gomes




Peace :  Since the war has come to die

                   We have wheat and we have rye

                          And someone for whom we cry.


Justice:  An outlaw girl cries out loud

                   Over the Danube to the cloud

                           Let’s write letters to the boyar

                                       To make us justice like a lawyer


Sharing: A man and a dog I fed

                      From my humble piece of bread

                                The man does no longer knows me

                                           While the dog will always love me.


Future:     You will be my wife, darling

                             When your parents finish counting

                                          All straws from two hay stacks

                                                       And blades from three fields of grass.


AUTHORS:  Kiss Ianos, Tiana Guler Abigail, Cristina Teodora Maghiar, Alexandru Ilies Rares



Peace :

Harmony of all the graces, thrones at the most high of place

By all desired, shy at heart, peace flees quick and turns her face

                                  Harmonia du ewiger Traum oh aller Recken fliehest

                                  Auf gar flüchtgen Schwingen wann immer Menschenauge schielet



 Justice is blinded to us all, indifferent, `tis what makes her fair

Her sword is iron, cruel but just, changeable her shrouded stare

                                       Justitia du blinde Frau, unbestechlich daher fair

                                       Dein Schwert ist Eisen - hart, doch recht, wandelbar im Menschenmeer


Sharing warms the weary hearts of tired kinsmen everywhere

To give a hand in well meant thought is where man’s true assets are

                                           Teilen wärmt das müde Herz der Erde Menschen überall

                                           Ein warmer Gruß in freundlich Geist, ist Menschlichkeit ihr Hall


The future holds the answer, says Chronos king of all in vain

To grip the present with intent, that is what will ease thy pain

                                           In Zukunft liegt die Antwort, sagt Chronos Herr der Zeit im Trug

                                         Nein, greift die Gegenwart ganz unverzagt, Zeit allein ist nicht genug

AUTHORS: Lasse Witthoefft, Thies Martens, Theo Kruse, Vincent Jacubowski, Greta Ghanem, Anike Akanho



 Peace :

 Since the elders and the ancient do not take the task,

a juvenile will bring peace with an olive branch in his grasp



He, who grew up in justice and fairness,

his words and actions hold infallible awareness.



Solidarity, respect and love for the other,

they make him important and great like no other.


In the country where democracy was born and still resides,

there is no place for facism nor violence abides.


 respect and love for the other,

they make him important and great like no other.


Authors: Garefallakis Marios, Manos Arnaoutakis, Mastorakis Stavros



Peace :           We want peace without a war and destructions

                                That saddens our hearts excluding the emotions

     Peace is like lawn of millions of colours

                                                             differently unique to make us better



Justice:     There have been men, who have always fought for the legality

                         and welfare of         their  own country

Convinced that justice is not only an illusion,

                                     dream or hope, but a necessary condition.


Sharing: Love is the most beautiful thing you can give,

You will have to give hope and solidarity

Every people must have the same rights

And those who believe in it will never be silent.


Future:   The ideas bring us to dream of a better world

where everything you want can be done with the heart.

With only a click you obtain exactly what you  want,

 Work and success will be in your power.

We are the future of Europe that is fighting for a rich world full of values that we sustain.


Roberto Rizzo, Martina Buffa, Desiree Cavaliere, Giovani Lo Coco, Christian Santacolomba



Peace :

Culture and diversity mingle between countries ;

build beyond boarders, a united Europe.

Culture et diversité se mêlent entre les pays ;

construire au-delà des frontières, une Europe unie


Perfect Europe without problem, this is an Utopia

Together, united we will built this perfect Europia

Une parfaite Europe sans problèmes, c’est une Utopie

Tous ensemble, unis nous construirons cette Europia.



O you, Europe, you are such a beautiful nation, every human being adores you.

O you, Europe, allow me to discover your beautiful nation.

Each european is different from the other Europeans,

but each European shares the same values.

Ô toi Europe tu es une si belle nation, chaque être t’adore.

Ô toi, Europe, permets moi de  découvrir ta belle culture.

Chaque européen est différent d’autres européens

mais chaque européen partage  les mêmes valeurs



 Boarders don’t have the power to deny friendship.

Beyond a country, we will continue to love us.


  Les frontières n’ont pas le pouvoir de nier l’amitié.

  Au-delà d’un pays, nous continuerons de nous aimer.



 European Union is made of  twenty eight countires 

who, all together, strive to live in peace, in harmony.

 L’Union Européenne est constituée de vingt huit pays,

qui tous réunis s’efforcent de vivre en paix, en harmonie


Living at home and surrounded by nice neighbours is good.        

Living at home is better ans sharing with our neighbour  is better.

Vivre chez soi et entourés de bons voisins, c’est bien

Vivre chez  soi et échanger   avec nos voisins  c’est mieux.

Is it possible  that a common culture can develop

if anybody  involve  to discover everything around him.

Si personne n’est curieux de découvrir tout ce qui l’entoure.

Comment est ce possible que la culture puisse se développer

AUTHORS: Nail Manon, Richard Maxime, Le Bachelier Camille, Crouillere Kelly, Champion Lea


Στόχος δράσης

Ειρήνη, Δικαιοσύνη και Ισχυροί Δεσμοί

Σύνδεση με Παγκόσμιους Στόχους

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